Sex after seventy? Yes. Give it a go! Sex has a purpose besides making babies, although, in my case, it seemed I was always making a baby – but, I digress. There are benefits to sex after seventy. INTIMACY PROTECTS AND IMPROVES HEALTH Studies now confirm that...
fiddling is a genre different than classical violin I read a lot about poor self-esteem, lately. Yes! That’s a big one, and accomplishment is usually the key to better self-esteem. I wish I could say that my ‘hobby’, a dysfunctional relationship with my violin for...
The words “Until death us do part” have quite a different meaning for us today than yesterday. In 1970, the average lifespan for a man was 67 years, for a woman 74 years. So, with a little societal pressure – perky voice – “I love to work...
WOW! What if I told you about a free body scan that’s available to all of you? Would you take advantage of that? I know I would! Well, it’s really quite simple, and takes only one piece of equipment. Mirror, mirror on the wall……….. Just...
Don’t most Americans think that they need to lose weight……..someday? Then we get older, and someday passes. I mean, some of us have been fat for years! Why change now? But, we do complain about it, rather often. We would like to have good...
What do you say about yourself? What are the words you use most often when you describe your endeavors, or what you may want to do in the future? Do you say things like: “I’m going to run for a political office next year, and I think I have a good chance...
Want the truth? I went from skinning a deer and roasting the
meat over a campfire to dining in the finest restaurants in the USA.
Do I prefer one over the other? No. Living your life fully is about
living your dreams in the NOW, about taking the air castle of your
Life’s Vision and stacking the bricks in Real Time.
How does a person do that? By creating a passionate Vision for
themselves. Once that passion hits the fan, there’s no turning back!
We are older women who have lived long enough and hard enough to come
up with the goods. Join us and learn how we got fit, raised
grandchildren, parented parents, fell in love, sought God, started a
It’s Survival of the Finest, friend! Meet us here!
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