Your Most Important Asset

Your Most Important Asset

If you were forced to jettison all you possess but could keep one item or asset, what would that be? Hmmm……..I’d keep my bulging bank account, wouldn’t you? Or, maybe all those family pictures! Oh, I know! I don’t want to give up being...
Why do we look so OLD?!

Why do we look so OLD?!

What’s the problem? Many of us in our 50’s and 60’s are starting to look so old!  Oh, I realize some of us don’t want to flame our hair red or wear contact lenses or high heels or short and sassy skirts. But that’s not the reason....
Let’s Just Get Over It!

Let’s Just Get Over It!

So, how did people get around before Henry Ford took pity on the masses and came up with the affordable automobile? I think it’s a no-brainer. They walked. Yes, I know that horses and donkeys decided to lend themselves to transportation endeavors long before...
Does High Self-Esteem Make you Healthier?

Does High Self-Esteem Make you Healthier?

Like me, you may be a woman over the age of 50. And, like me, you may have a lot more going on in your life than simply growing old gracefully! reports that six in ten of 2,000 women over 50 felt that modern life is geared toward a focus on younger...